Congratulations Assistant Chief Roger Rademacher on Your Retirement!
Posted on: Thursday, July 1, 2021

Today Assistant Chief Roger Rademacher is retiring after 34 years of service to Mountain View Fire Rescue. Roger started out as a volunteer in 1987 as a firefighter and was promoted to Captain as a volunteer. In 1995 Roger was hired as a career employee as an engineer then moved up the ranks. He was promoted to Captain and then promoted again to Battalion Chief. Chief Rademacher will finish his career with MVFPD as the Assistant Chief of Support Services.
Chief Rademacher has always had a big hand in the training aspects of Mountain View. Roger likely trained hundreds of folks from all over the place during that time. He could typically be found on the ground, taking crews into the fire that was being generated from the various props that were being used. Beyond the time spent with the “road-show”, he would also take time to help with other training activities that ranged from construction of facilities to the creation of content that so many of us used throughout our careers. Roger was, and still is known as a walking map book – give him an address in Weld County and he could tell you where to go, how to get there and give you the response area code too [the old MVF folks will understand]. Congratulations and we all wish Roger a happy, healthy, and safe retirement!!!