Emergency Medical Services Division

Mountain View Fire Protection District is a full service fire department providing both fire and emergency medical services (EMS) to areas of both Boulder & Weld County. The Emergency Medical Services division is responsible for providing 911 medical services to the communities MVFPD serves.
The EMS division provides an outstanding, monthly continuing education program for all MVFPD employees, which fulfills state and national requirements. Education is also provided to many other surrounding entities.
The provision of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is an integral component of the modern-day fire service. At Mountain View Fire we have a robust EMS program that incorporates a tiered response designed around exceptional pre- hospital care and customer service. Over 70% of our call volume involves an EMS component; it is the largest part of what we do as an all- hazards response department.
Response and Levels of care
Our tiered response system is designed to quickly and efficiently deploy Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) resources in a consistent manner. Every responder at Mountain View Fire is, at a minimum, an Emergency Medical Technician- Basic (EMT). EMTs are trained to provide BLS care and are designated to act as first responders.
Additionally, Mountain View Fire employs paramedics both on engines and in ambulances as our top tier of medical response. Paramedics are the most highly trained pre- hospital providers and offer ALS level care. Paramedics are equipped to provide medical care such as cardiac monitoring, defibrillation, intubation, respiratory support, and pain management.
- All fire fighters are EMTs and equipped to provide BLS level care
- BLS is our most widely available resource and first to respond
- ALS level response is spread throughout the district to maximize efficient response
- All personnel are firefighters and serve in that capacity in addition to their medical responsibilities
EMS Division Staff
- Division Chief, EMS- Oversees and manages the EMS Division
- Medical Director- EMS Physician responsible for overseeing all clinical/medical aspects of the EMS operations
- EMS Captain- oversees our field training program, Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process, senior medics (field trainers), controlled substances program, and responds to incident.
- EMS Lieutenant - oversees logistics, supplies, and EMS equipment. The Lt. also participates in our Quality Improvement process including our senior medics (field trainers), and responds to incidents
- Clinical Coordinator- Oversees our clinical education and assists with administration of the QI program, and various other programs
- EMS Logistics- responsible for purchasing, ordering, delivering all EMS supplies across our approximately 250 square mile district and 10 operational response stations
Our Ambulances
- We operate type III ambulances
- All have 4x4 capability and backcountry gear for certain areas of the district
- All serve as fire apparatus and carry firefighting equipment
Specialty Response
All our responders are trained to deliver the same high-quality patient care in a myriad of environments and situations we refer to as ‘all hazards response.’ Because of the diverse areas in our district, our training and skills allow us to operate in many austere environments, including but not limited to:
- Industrial technical rescue (wind turbines, power plants etc.)
- Mountain rescue (climbing, trails, mountain bikers etc.)
- Wildland fires
- Active harmer situations
- Structure fires
- Tox Medic for Hazardous Material Response
Our Goals
- Provide the best pre- hospital medical care available
- Provide excellent customer service
- Treat those we care for with the utmost dignity, respect, and professionalism
We Want to Hear from You
Do you have an experience you’d like to share or questions about our EMS Program? Please contact our Division Chief of EMS at 720-900-2934