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Hazardous Materials Division

Group of firefighters in hazmat suits and uniforms standing in front of a red hazardous materials response vehicle.
May contain: person, transportation, truck, vehicle, and car


The Hazmat Program consists of two apparatus that carry the necessary equipment for the program at Station 7 in Dacono, Colorado.  Foam Unit 207 that consists of a 265-gallon tote of Class B foam, and a 55-gallon barrel of foam wetting agent with equipment to apply the foam.  Hazmat 207 contains equipment for technical decontamination, air monitoring, fuel transfer, grounding and bonding, and all levels of PPE to accomplish these tasks.  The equipment to test and calibrate this equipment is located at Station 7.


All MVFR department personnel are trained, at a minimum, to the Hazmat Operations Level for HazMat responses through the state. These employees are trained in identifying the hazard and defensive operations.  All Hazmat Team members are trained to the Hazmat Technician Level and attend more training in identifying the hazard and offensive operations to mitigate the incident.  In addition to the 80 hours of initial training, the team trains monthly and attends additional outside training opportunities.  The MVFR Hazmat Team has 21 hazmat technicians spread out over 3 shifts for 24/7 hazmat response.


Our MVFR Hazmat Team works in conjunction with the Boulder County Hazardous Material Authority (BCHMA) to combine resources for all incidents up to FEMA Type 1 responses within and outside our response district.  The BCHMA was officially formed in October of 2017. The Authority is comprised of the 11 DERA’s located within Boulder County. All DERA’s contribute to the funding of the Authority while 5 agencies also contribute personnel and equipment. Currently the Authority has 100 hazmat technicians and train monthly. We also have a ToxMedic program of paramedic hazmat technicians that are trained in Advanced Hazmat Life Support to diagnose and treat patients exposed to various hazardous materials.


ABOUT The Boulder County Hazmat Authority was officially formed in October of 2017. The Authority is comprised of the 11 DERA’s located within Boulder County.


The Boulder County Hazmat Authority was officially formed in October of 2017. The Authority is comprised of the 11 DERA’s located within Boulder County.