Reserve a Community Room

Please fill out the Facility Use Agreement and email it to
Station Two: 7700 Baseline Road Boulder, Colorado
Station Five: 2701 S. Indiana Street Superior Colorado
Station Nine: 4390 Eldorado Springs Drive Boulder, Colorado
Mountain View Fire Facility Use Agreement for Meeting Rooms.pdfMountain View Fire Rescue is pleased to allow use of its facilities for special events. We have community rooms available at four of our stations.
The following rules and regulations are to ensure a safe environment for those attending events. This agreement must be signed on or before the date of the event.
* The maximum occupancy for the specified training room must be observed.
*Meeting rooms can only be reserved up to 1 year in advance. Any regularly occurring event must be renewed annually.
* If the event requires crew interaction, the event will be limited to a 2-hour time slot. Meetings that do not require crew interaction are limited to 3 hours. No more than 1 event requiring crew interaction will be scheduled at any one station per day (including birthday parties).
* No overlap of meetings will be allowed and a one-hour buffer between events will be observed when scheduling. The meeting room will be available from noon to 8:30 pm on week days and between the hours of 9am and 8:30pm on the weekends.
* A guest wireless network will be available, however users will be required to follow District policies on content as posted in the training facilities. The District reserves the right to limit noise levels as deemed by the officer in charge. Guest will need to provide their own computer. Please contact District personnel for a more complete description of AV equipment available at a specific station.
*Parking is very limited at and around the stations and hosts should plan accordingly. Parking will only be allowed in designated spaces and all parking signage is considered in effect at all times.
* All food and necessary supplies will be provided by the host. District kitchens are not available for food preparation or storage, though a kitchenette may exist and be utilized in the meeting room. Host is responsible for cleanup of tables, chairs, and kitchenettes.
* Guests must be supervised by Fire District personnel while in or on fire apparatus.
* Firefighters may end an event at any time in order to respond to emergencies. Participants may have to leave the building immediately depending on the current National Security Threat Level. The District holds no liability for an event that must be canceled or rescheduled due to the use of Fire District property and resources no longer available.
* The District is not liable for any injuries to persons, or damage to property belonging to those attending an event.
* Any damage caused to District property during the event is the responsibility of the individual signing this agreement.
* Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, firearms and weapons are prohibited on Fire District property. Smoking is prohibited inside all District property and used smoking materials must be disposed of in an appropriate container not discarded on Fire District property.
*COVID-19- Mountain View Fire will not ascertain vaccination status’ therefore all safety measures to prevent disease transmission are the responsibility of the host party. All district, local, state, and federal guidelines must be adhered to by the sponsoring party (host of the event). Mountain View Fire is not responsible for any infection control or disease prevention measures during the special event; this is the responsibility of the hosting party.
*COVID-19- if there is any interaction with district personnel, everyone must be masked and following established public health guidelines or district guidelines
* COVID-19- Host party is responsible for gross decontamination of all surfaces (all surfaces must be wiped down with standard type cleaning product (i.e. 409 or multi-surface cleaner) at the end of the event).
Please fill out the attached Facility Use Agreement at the top of this page and return it to